Monday, January 16, 2012

So this is a story I was working on while on a writer's block. I'd like to dedicate this ENTIRE story,(I've already written chapters 1 and 2), to Lexi. The only support I have for writing these stories. Thank you soooo much and I hope you enjoy this :D


     Yea, I know. You've heard this a million times. Well humor me, this once. Some people write stories about heroes who save worlds in the nick of time. These 'heroes',as they call themselves, impossibly protect everyone they love, nobody even getting a hair out of place.
     Well, I'm here to inform you this, your living in the real world. The real world isn't a joke. There isn't going to be a Superman flying out to catch you if fall. Sorry to burst your bubbles.
     Okay, you officially have a choice. Close this book and go run outside, forget everything I've told you so far. You could go out and live your normal, happy life. I'd envy you if you did. Having the chance to escape my nightmare is my dream.
      Here is option two though. Be brave. Reading this may ruin your life, but then there is a chance it will make you wiser, sharper, smarter. You can take a chance. You've been given the options, now choose.
     You've chosen if your reading this paragraph, I guess. Great. Any part of this book could be your life, your fate. Read carefully and if you notice any patterns, feel any connections, shut this book immediately. Once you know, they'll be there outside your door. So cherish this moment. The moment where you are still innocent, still safe because once you turn this page all of that changes.
     I wish all you brave souls the best of luck. You'll surely need it.

SOOOOO SORRY. I haven't had much time to type this up. I also had a killer writer's block. So here's Chapter 2. Hope y'all like it :D

                                                           Chapter 2: Hot Chocolate
         I drove around in circles for a time before I had to pull over. My brain was clouded with utter confusion and anger. All I could do was remember to breathe steady. In and out. I rested my heavy head on the steering wheel. Something unnatural? Stupid drunk Grant. I took a deep breath, the fog on my mind clearing steadily. The bright lights of a near-by Subway caused by stomach to growl. I took another breath and restarted the car. From the corner of my eye I felt someone watching me. I nonchalantly rolled the top over the car and speed away as fast as my old clunker would take me.
        My home was located on top of a hill in San Francisco, California. It was only ten minutes away from the beach which I loved. It stood high, looking down on the spacious neighborhood. It had light clay bricks and a dark shuttered roof. The slope of the hill made it entirely impossible to park cars on it. The beauty of the house was most prominent at sunset when the sun rays shine around the home, almost blocking it. 
        I parked my car right below the hill and made sure to park it correctly after an accident that involves another story. The lights in the kitchen was still emitting a soft, welcoming glow. Sighing softly, I opened the door and took a breath of the cool night air. The safety and home-like feel of the car vanished as soon as my feet touched the ground, replaced by cold,hard paranoia. I took deep, careful breaths. Swiftly, I look out at my surroundings. The neighboring houses are dim and quiet, devoid if light and sound. The forests are also calm, but a gut feeling told me I wasn't alone. Taking another deep breath, I walked out of the garage. 
           Nothing hopped out of the trees or bounded down the driveway. Nobody wanted to hurt me. I stopped to allow my heart rate to drop. The feeling of paranoia rested in the back of my mind, but I decided on ignoring it. No good would come out of freaking myself out. I composed my features, knowing how quickly Mom would spot the tiniest worry crease my forehead.
           I focused my gaze on the door, ignoring the dark, looming forest. I shook my head out, I'm going nuts. I felt inexplicable anger flare towards Grant. The anger disappeared as soon as it came. Hadn't I decided that Grant was just giving me his usual drunk talk. This shouldn't affect me like this. This isn't going to affect me anymore. I squared my shoulders and lifted my head. I'm not thinking of him anymore tonight. He isn't worth ruining my night.
             I hopped up the three stairs that lead to the front porch. The door opened before I insert the key into the lock. At first I see no one. Then my eyes traveled downwards and was met with a warm, smiling face. Instantly, my day brightens. It is warmed with the adoring look of my little sister, Audrey.
          I smiled back at the small child, loving the way her beautiful gray eyes matched mine exactly, but hers were filled with adoration and curiosity and the innocence youth provides. I picked up the four- year old and hugged her close. Audrey is my baby. Her small arms wrapped around my neck and her soft lips touched my cheek.

    "Hi,Ally. Mommy made you hot chocolate." Audrey shrieked, her smile wide with excitement. She wriggled out of my grasp, but took my pinkie and pulled me towards the kitchen.
     In my honest opinion, I thought my mom should be a model or a singer, not a waitress at an old diner. My mom is gorgeous. Her hair, like Audrey's is long and thick and curly. I'm sure it went to her waist, but she never wears it down anymore. It always stayed in a messy bun. We both got her eyes. Her brilliant gray orbs that were so open and gentle. And my mother was so uniquely...her. She's carefree and gorgeous and so kind, yet that is just a mask of how amazing she is on the inside.

   "Hey sweetie. Drink your cocoa. We don't want it to get cold." She smiled and kissed the bridge of my nose.
     I picked up the mug and brought it to my lips. It was amazing. My insides instantly relaxed with the soothing heat the liquid brought to me. I felt my irrational paranoia melt away and was replaced by pleasure and love. In no time, the heated drink was reduced to frothy whipped cream at the bottom of the cup, leaving behind the soothing warmth and a scalding tongue.
"So, how was your day, kiddo?" Mom asked, curiosity bright in her eyes. I hesitated for an instant. No, I had nothing to hesitate about, I did nothing wrong.

"I went down to my private beach and just watched the sky. It was really breath-taking. Then I wandered over to Grant's"-I spoke his name like it was a curse-" party." I answered, avoiding her gaze, instead looking at Audrey play with her drink.

"You know, Grant used to be your best friend. There was no Althea without Grant nearby, and no Grant without Althea strapped to his side." And she was right. Grant was my other half from day on of kindergarten. I sighed. High school changed both of us.
  My mom watched me with her piercing gaze. Her eyes were intimidating. Abruptly, I stood. Audrey was looking at me, her gray orbs full of concern. I took my cup over to the sink and washed it quickly. Audrey waddled over to me and hugged my legs. I bent over, tucking a strand of her chestnut hair behind her ear

"Good night, Audi." I whispered, kissing the tip of her nose.

"Nighty night, Ally. I love you." She grinned, placing a wet kiss on my cheek. I smiled back at her and untangled myself from her strong toddler grip.

"Good night, Althea. Sweet dreams to my big baby." Mom said, a soft smile playing across her lips. I plopped myself on her lap. There are no objections, I am my mom's big baby.

"Night mommy." I replied, kissing her cheek. I rose from her lap and bounded up the stairs. As soon as I topped the stairs, I sprinted to the bathroom. What I need was some serious alone time in a heated shower.

     I started the shower on scalding hot. Finally, after waiting on what seemed like forever, I leaped into the shower. The water burned my skin, but it was a good burn. It relaxed my muscles and washed away the memories of the night. I slather my hair with my favorite cinnamon scented shampoo. No more thoughts about the crazy drunk Grant and no more visions of the dark woods. I was in a state of lethargy. 
    Finally the hot water runs out. I wrapped a towel around my steamed body. I don't remember much of what happened after the shower, my movements were robotic, automatic. All I remember is falling onto my warm bed and falling asleep before my head hit the pillow.