Yea, I know. You've heard this a million times. Well humor me, this once. Some people write stories about heroes who save worlds in the nick of time. These 'heroes',as they call themselves, impossibly protect everyone they love, nobody even getting a hair out of place.
Well, I'm here to inform you this, your living in the real world. The real world isn't a joke. There isn't going to be a Superman flying out to catch you if fall. Sorry to burst your bubbles.
Okay, you officially have a choice. Close this book and go run outside, forget everything I've told you so far. You could go out and live your normal, happy life. I'd envy you if you did. Having the chance to escape my nightmare is my dream.
Here is option two though. Be brave. Reading this may ruin your life, but then there is a chance it will make you wiser, sharper, smarter. You can take a chance. You've been given the options, now choose.
You've chosen if your reading this paragraph, I guess. Great. Any part of this book could be your life, your fate. Read carefully and if you notice any patterns, feel any connections, shut this book immediately. Once you know, they'll be there outside your door. So cherish this moment. The moment where you are still innocent, still safe because once you turn this page all of that changes.
I wish all you brave souls the best of luck. You'll surely need it.